I want to take this chance to thank you all for your love and support and for helping Maison d'Afie kick off last year. We have been involved in plenty of events in our few months of existence and have many more booked for 2010. We were very involved in Senge's wedding and an article regarding that will be following soon.
We thank God for his love and mercies and for the choices he makes for us.
Some of you know my dad works with the UN in Haiti and just about everyone is following up the horrible news that has been unfolding in an already devastated country. I thank the church for all the support they have given me and I continue to pray that God blesses each one of us and uses us for his purpose.
I was unable to rest when I got word of the quake in Haiti. My dad usually calls during times like that to reassure us but we could not get through to him and neither did he call. My cousin in Paris called to tell us that daddy was meant to be in the office as they had a phone appointment for 5pm-6pm Haiti time. That was very uncomfortable to hear because according to the news the quake began at 4.53pm.
We thank God for his love and mercies and for the choices he makes for us.
Some of you know my dad works with the UN in Haiti and just about everyone is following up the horrible news that has been unfolding in an already devastated country. I thank the church for all the support they have given me and I continue to pray that God blesses each one of us and uses us for his purpose.
I was unable to rest when I got word of the quake in Haiti. My dad usually calls during times like that to reassure us but we could not get through to him and neither did he call. My cousin in Paris called to tell us that daddy was meant to be in the office as they had a phone appointment for 5pm-6pm Haiti time. That was very uncomfortable to hear because according to the news the quake began at 4.53pm.

I tried praying but couldn't as tears rolled down my cheecks nonstop. I had all sorts of broadcast sites open. BBC, CNN, MBS, you name it and there was no good news forthcoming. We had already established one thing, that daddy was in the office. My father in Christ then called to tell me it will be well and this made me cry even more. He said there was no need to cry as crying couldn't change the situation but prayers could. I spoke to my friend who had informed me of the quake and he suggested I send Dad an email. As I typed the mail saying " Daddy we desperately need to hear from you" I thought of how this would be the last mail I sent to my beloved dad and how there were so many other things I wanted to tell him.
My cousin called again and this time I had just read on some website that most UN workers were killed as the UN premises were reduced to dust. My heart sunk. It was reported that all in the office were likely buried in the crash and likely dead. The chief of staff was reported dead. My cousins urged me to stop reading any further information or watching tv and just pray. I closed everything and mustered every bit of faith I had and said a prayer. Then another one of my cousins who works at the UN called to ask what my dad's staff number was as she had managed to get through to Haiti on the phone. I logged into my inbox to look for it and there was an email from my dad, a thousand things raced through my mind as I opened the email. I thought the UN may have logged into his email box to send the dreaded announcement and as I opned it, it was him saying he was fine.
I have never been so elated.

Daddy is a born again. Has been since 1994 and Psalm 91 says those who dwell in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty... I encourage you all to please read this Psalm.
This has been a reinforcing message from God to me saying if I keep my trust in him and obey all his commands, he will never forsake me. God is soo good and sooo loving, he is beautiful in all he does. I can not even thank him enough.
Below is a copy of the mail my dad sent
By the grace of God I am fine. I had just got home and was trying to settle in when all of a sudden I found myself dancing uncontrollably. I prayed God to take control and managed to wade myself from the room to the exterior of the building, to the road. My number is 509xxxxxxx
Thanks for the concern.
God is Great and He is showing us His Greatness and love. Let every member of the family and friends as well as our supposed enemies, abandon wickedness and turn to Him wholeheartedly.
Praise the Lord!
Emmanuel Divine
I felt a need to share this with you Let us continue to pray for the rest of the families affected and for those in Haiti.
God is Great and He is showing us His Greatness and love. Let every member of the family and friends as well as our supposed enemies, abandon wickedness and turn to Him wholeheartedly.
Praise the Lord!
Emmanuel Divine
I felt a need to share this with you Let us continue to pray for the rest of the families affected and for those in Haiti.
Haiti needs all the help you can offer now. They need food, clothes, water, shelter and all the things we take for granted. They need love from all of us. Your contributions will go a long way. They are in desperate poverty.
We are organising means to send help to Haiti and we will communicate this to you as soon as this is sorted. In the mean time we recommend the Red Cross http://www.redcross.org/

I know this may be redundant as a lot of you have already made contributions but please if you have not now is the time to show some love. We will organize something for helpers in Cameroon soon.
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