The first lady of fashion and of the USA, Michelle Obama graces the covers of major style magazines as well as political headlines with her no nonsense style and whether you like it or not, she’s boldly leaving her mark as the 44th first lady of the United States of America.
The fashion community is keeping a close watch on Mrs Obama’s fashion choices and she is well aware of the scrutiny and makes no apologies for her cutting edge fashion choices. Even the council of fashion designers is impressed with her wardrobe collection and have given her tribute for her impact on the fashion industry.
Mrs O is a mix and match master and tends to go for bright hues of purple, yellow, red and blue which make her stand out from other female political counterparts. Her style is sophisticated yet accessible as she chooses never to be in a costume for her role but dresses like a Harvard educated young professional mother. She has the confidence to wear inexpensive clothes and rocks them. Traditionally first ladies have been expected to look appropriate with fashion choices aimed at sending a reassuring message that everything was as it ought to be. Undoubtedly Mrs Obama’s sense of style is a reflection of change in the White House.

Style means more than merely cladding a fashionable dress but it is the accessories that make the outfit. This is what puts Mrs O as one of the most stylish women of our times. We have all noticed her numerous belts and jewellery pieces and one piece which was already falling out of fashion was the brooch which Michelle has done an excellent job in redefining.

Michelle’s love for funky bead jewellery extends into pieces such as necklaces, bracelets and earrings. She has been seen in over the top glitzy pieces and dangling earrings which are not usual for a First Lady, where the trends in most years has been to stay with simple pearls, smaller gold pieces and a little bit of silver from time to time.

Michelle clearly goes beyond her call of duty, she is not just brilliant, eloquent, accomplished, down to earth, and charismatic, she is classy and stylish. This First Lady is well on her way to leaving a stylish legacy on par with those other White House arbiters, Jacqueline Kennedy and Nancy Reagan and we will be following her all the way.

never thought I'd read a piece on fashion and finish it. You're a good writer. I like the piece. Bold, speaks to your passion, fashion, and yet attends to other issues. Makes it very intereting. I do like Michelle's sense of fashion. It does speak to a "shift" in the way things are done in the white house. Maybe not everyone likes the shift, but you gotta admit, it's refreshing to have a shift in that stuffy white mansion.
Hmmm Ms Trez....that is eh country me..u think i really knew how to comment on a blog..i just figured it out now..thats why i havent left any messages..but i just wanted to let you know that writing/art has always been your hobby and u are so damn good at it..I love your blog....Okay on Michelle Obama..i definitely like her belief is that every first lady should be unique and yep she definitely is unique..Jacy Kennedy had her own style... Mrs Bush had hers and Michelle definitely has the swagger..she has got it all...the legs, shape, beauty,everything...I love her color coordination and i love her dress style and i love the fact that she is not afraid to take a risk......
Oh by the way you couldnt have picked a better up is moi..just kidding boo
Ok Sengs, gotta disagree with you on one thing. Michelle is the bomb when it comes to being classy and fashionable. And when you add to that the fact that she is brilliant, a great mom and has a killa shape, one would have to say she's the whole package. Anyone can understand why Obama would marry her. But beauty is not a word I would use with her. Don't get me wrong, she's not ugly but she's not beautiful either. On a good day, she's good looking (if you're looking at all of her) If you're just looking at her bod, then she is one hot cookie.
Michelle inspires me in so many ways. She is setting a trend we young ladies should adhere to and beat -If at all it can be beaten-. Hands up to her
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